

Sort me Table Title Table ID
0022E6CSOF0 Number and Area of Holdings/Farms by Size of Parcel and Region: Philippines, 1960, 1971, 1980, 1991, 2002 and 2012 2E6CSOF0
0032E6CNAP0 Number and Area of Holdings/Farms by Number of Parcels and Region: Philippines, 1960, 1971, 1980, 1991, 2002 and 2012 2E6CNAP0
0042E6CLUP0 Number and Area of Holding/Farm Parcels by Land Use and Region: Philippines 1960, 1971, 1980, 1991, 2002 and 2012 2E6CLUP0
0052E6CTSF0 Number and Area of Holding/Farm Parcels by Tenure Status and Region: Philippines 1960, 1971, 1980, 1991, 2002 and 2012 2E6CTSF0
0062E6CIRR0 Number and Physical Area of Holdings/Farms Irrigated by Region: Philippines 1960, 1971, 1980, 1991, 2002 and 2012 2E6CIRR0
0072E6CTEM0 Area of Holding/Farm Parcels Planted/Harvested with Palay and Corn by Region: Philippines 1960, 1971, 1980, 1991 and 2002 2E6CTEM0
0082E6CPER0 Number of Productive Trees/Hills by Type of Permanent Crops by Region: Philippines 1960, 1971, 1980, 1991 and 2002 2E6CPER0
0092E6CLAP0 Number of Heads and Birds by Livestock and Poultry and Region: Philippines 1960, 1971, 1980, 1991, 2002 and 2012 2E6CLAP0
0102E6CEAF0 Number of Farm Equipment and Facilities Used by Region: Philippines 1960, 1971, 1980, 1991 and 2002 2E6CEAF0
0112E6CAAF0 NNumber of Barangays with Presence of Agricultural/Aquaculture/Fishery Facilities by Region, Province and Highly Urbanized City: Philippines, 2012 2E6CAAF0
0122E6CIND0 Number of Barangays with Input Dealers by Region, Province and Highly Urbanized City: Philippines, 2012 2E6CIND0
0132E6CSEP0 Number of Barangays with Service Providers by Region, Province and Highly Urbanized City: Philippines, 2012 2E6CSEP0
0142E6CDNC0 Number of Barangays that Experienced Destructive Natural Calamity in the Past Five Years by Region, Province and Highly Urbanized City: Philippines, 2012 2E6CDNC0
0152E6CNAF1 Number and Area of Holdings/Farms by Region, Province and City/Municipality: Philippines, 2012 2E6CNAF1
0162E6CSOF1 Number and Area of Holdings/Farms by Size of Holding/Farm, Number of Parcels, Region and Province: Philippines, 2012 2E6CSOF1
0172E6CLSO0 Number and Area of Holdings/Farms by Legal Status of the Holder/Farm Operator, Region and Province: Philippines, 2012 2E6CLSO0
0182E6CNAP1 Number and Area of Holding/Farm Parcels by Region, Province and City/Municipality: Philippines, 2012 2E6CNAP1
0192E6CLOP0 Number and Area of Holding/Farm Parcels by Location of Parcels, Region and Province: Philippines, 2012 2E6CLOP0
0202E6CTSF1 Number and Area of Holding/Farm Parcels by Location of Parcels, Land Tenure, Region and Province: Philippines, 2012 2E6CTSF1
0212E6CLUP1 Number and Area of Holding/Farm Parcels by Location of Parcels, Main Use, Region and Province: Philippines, 2012 2E6CLUP1
0222E6CIRR1 Number and Area of Holding/Farm Parcels by Location of Parcels, Presence of Irrigation Facility, Region and Province: Philippines, 2012 2E6CIRR1
0232E6COAA0 Number of Holdings/Farms with Other Agricultural Activities by Region and Province: Philippines, 2012 2E6COAA0
0242E6CNAO0 Number of Agricultural Operator by Sex, Age Group, Region and Province: Philippines, 2012 2E6CNAO0
0252E6CNHM0 Number of Household Members of Agricultural Operators who were 10 Years Old and Over by Sex, Age Group, Region and Province: Philippines, 2012 2E6CNHM0
0262E6CEAA0 Number of Household Members of Agricultural Operators who Engaged in Agricultural Activities by Sex, Age Group, Region and Province: Philippines, 2012 2E6CEAA0
0272E6CTOA0/td> Number and Area of Aquafarms by Type of Aquafarm, Size of Aquafarm, Region and Province: Philippines, 2012 2E6CTOA0
0282E6CVOA0 Number and Volume of Fish Tank and Hatchery by Volume of Aquafarm, Region and Province: Philippines, 2012 2E6CVOA0
0292E6CWAE0 Number of Aquafarms by Type of Aquafarm, Type of Water Environment, Region and Province: Philippines, 2012 2E6CWAE0
0302E6CTOA1 Number and Area of Aquafarms by Type of Aquafarm, Size of Aquafarm, Region and Province: Philippines, 2012 2E6CTOA1
0312E6CVOA1 Number and Volume of Fish Tank and Hatchery by Volume of Aquafarm, Region and Province: Philippines, 2012 2E6CVOA1
0322E6CWAE1 Number of Aquafarms by Type of Aquafarm, Type of Water Environment, Region and Province: Philippines, 2012 2E6CWAE1
0332E6CAQA0 Number of Aquaculture Operators and Aquafarms by Region and Province: Philippines, 2012 2E6CAQA0
0342E6CCOF0 Number of Aquafarms by Type of Aquafarm, Type of Water Environment, Region and Province: Philippines, 2012 2E6CCOF0
0352E6CFBV0 Number of Fishing Boats/Vessels Used by Municipal Fishing Operators, by Type of Fishing Boat/Vessel, Ownership of Fishing Boat/Vessel, Region and Province: Philippines, 2012 2E6CFBV0
0362E6CTSC0 Number of Aquafarms by Type of Species Cultured, Type of Aquafarm, Region and Province: Philippines, 2012 2E6CTSC0
0372E6CLSO1 Number of Aquafarms by Legal Status of the Holder/Aquaculture Operator, Type of Aquafarm, Region and Province: Philippines, 2012 2E6CLSO1
0382E6CTSC1 Number of Aquafarms by Type of Species Cultured, Type of Aquafarm, Region and Province: Philippines, 2012 2E6CTSC1
0392E6CNAQ0 Number of Aquaculture Operators by Sex, Age Group, Region and Province: Philippines, 2012 2E6CNAQ0
0402E6CEAQ0 Number of Household Members of Aquacultural Operators who were 10 Years Old and Over that Engaged in Aquaculture Activities by Sex, Age Group, Region and Province: Philippines, 2012 2E6CEAQ0
0412E6CLSO2 Number of Municipal Fishing Operations by Legal Status of the Fishing Operator, Category of Fishing, Region and Province, Philippines: 2012 2E6CLSO2
0422E6CNFG0 Number of Fishing Gears/Accessories/Devices Used by Municipal Fishing Operators as of December 31, 2012, Type of Fishing Gears/Accessories/Devices, Category of Fishing, Region and Province: Philippines, 2012 2E6CNFG0
0432E6CMFO0 Number of Municipal Fishing Operators by Age Group, Sex, Region and Province: Philippines, 2012 2E6CMFO0
0442E6CHGC0 Number of Municipal Fishing Operators by Highest Grade Completed, Sex, Region and Province: Philippines, 2012 2E6CHGC0
0452E6CEFA0 Number of Household Members of Municipal Fishing Operators who were 10 Years Old and Over that Engaged in Fishing Activities by Sex, Age Group, Region and Province: Philippines, 2012 2E6CEFA0
0462E6CLFH0 Number of Livestock Holdings/Farms and Number of Heads by Kind of Livestock, Region and Province: Philippines, 2012 2E6CLFH0
0472E6CPHB0 Number of Livestock Holdings/Farms and Number of Heads by Kind of Livestock, Region and Province: Philippines, 2012 2E6CPHB0
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Philippine Statistics Authority
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