
Philippine Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose (PCOICOP)

The 2009 Philippine Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose (PCOICOP) is the first standard classification of individual consumption expenditures in the country.

Philippine Standard Classification of Education (PSCED)

The 2008 Philippine Standard Classification of Education (PSCED) is a detailed classification of all educational levels in the Philippine educational system. It aims to integrate the different classification schemes being used by the various agencies, for the purpose of standardizing and facilitating the compilation of education statistics as basis for educational planning, manpower training, labor market studies and other related activities.

Philippine Standard Commodity Classification (PSCC)

The Philippine Standard Commodity Classification (PSCC) is a detailed classification of all imported and exported commodities being used for tariff and statistical purposes.

Philippine Central Product Classification (PCPC)

The purpose of PCPC is to serve as an instrument for assembling and tabulating all kinds of statistics that needed product detail. Such statistics cover production, intermediate and final consumption, capital formation and foreign trade and may refer to commodity flows, stocks or balances and may be compiled in the context of input-output tables, balance-of-payments and other analytical presentations.

Philippine Standard Industrial Classification (PSIC)

The Philippine Standard Industrial Classification (PSIC) is a detailed classification of industries prevailing in the country according to the kind of productive activities undertaken by establishments. It serves as a guide in the classification of establishments according to their economic activity useful for economic analysis. It also provides a Summary of Classification Scheme which presents a list of sections, divisions and their corresponding number of groups, classes and sub-classes, and a Detailed Classification presenting hierarchy of categories of industries

Philippine Standard Geographic Code (PSGC)

The Philippine Standard Geographic Code (PSGC) is a systematic classification and coding of geographic areas in the Philippines. Its units of classification are based on the four well-established levels of geographical-political subdivisions of the country such as the region, the province, the municipality/city and the barangay.

Philippine Standard Occupational Classification (PSOC)

The 2012 Philippine Standard Occupational Classification (PSOC) is a statistical classification of the different occupational groups of the working population, including the military work force in the country. It is primarily used as basis for manpower and educational planning, program formulation, policy decision-making and serves as useful guide for statistical operations and activities, such as censuses and surveys.


Philippine Standard Classification of Crime for Statistical Purposes (PSCCS)

The 2018 Philippine Standard Classification of Crime for Statistical Purposes (PSCCS) is the first edition of the country’s classification of crimes. It is a hierarchical classification where criminal offenses are allocated into categories that have a certain degree of similarity. It is patterned after the International Classification of Crime for Statistical Purposes (ICCS, v. 1.0) developed by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), endorsed by the United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC) as the standard international classification for crime statistics in March 2015.

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Knowledge Management and Communications Division
Philippine Statistics Authority
9/F PSA Headquarters PSA Complex, East Avenue Diliman,
Quezon City