The PSS is a decentralized statistical system consisting of: statistical organizations at all administrative levels, the personnel therein and the national statistical program (RA10625 Sec. 4).
PSS Structure
The PSS Structure includes the following:
- A policy-making body;
- A coordinating body with primary data collection capability;
- A statistical research and training institute; and,
- All executive departments, bureaus, offices, agencies and instrumentalities of the national and local governments and all government-owned and -controlled corporations (GOCCs) and their subsidiaries that are engaged in statistical activities either as their primary functions or as part of their administrative or regulatory functions.

The PSA, being the central statistical authority of the Philippine government, serves as the coordinator of the PSS. On the other hand, the Philippine Statistical Research and Training Institute (PSRTI) serves as the training, education and research arm of the PSS.