Number of Holdings/Farms with Other Agricultural Activities by Region and Province: Philippines, 2012

Table ID: 2E6COAA0

Indicator 1 Number of Holding/Farm Parcel
Definition Holding/Farm refers to any piece or pieces of land used wholly or partly for any agricutural activity (i.e. growing of crops, tending of livestock and poultry and other agricultural activity) and operated as one technical unit by one person alone or with others regardless of title, legal form, size or location.
Method of Computation / Estimation Procedure See attached:
2012 CAF Explanatory Text
Indicator 2 Other Agricultural Activities
Definition Area of Holding/Farm refers to the size or actual measurement of the holding/farm in hectares.
Method of Computation / Estimation Procedure For purposes of the 2012 CAF, other agricultural activities include:

a. raising of breeder dogs for sale such as Bulldog, Terrier, Labrador, Chihuahua, German Shepherd and Shih Tzu
b. raising race horses for sale such as Arabian horse, American Paint Horse, American Quarter Horse, Tennessee Walking Horse and Thoroughbred
c. bee culture/honey production
d. vermiculture/earthworm culture
e. sericulture/silk/cocoon production
f. contract growing of trees
g. orchid growing for sale
h. ornamental plants and flower gardening for sale(excluding orchids)

Excluded as agricultural activities are:

a. raising of game fowls and other poultry and livestock solely for recreation and amusement, and/or used for transportation not in connection with the activities of the farm or holding and for propagation services;

b. tending of animal stock when these animals are scheduled for slaughter; and

c. caring of plants/ornamentals for sale when the trader acts only as middleman or does not propagate own stocks for sale.


Source of Basic Data Census of Agriculture and Fisheries
Source Document/ Agency Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)
Frequency of Release Every 10 years
Latest Available 2012
Level of Disaggregation National/Regional/Provincial
Contacts Agriculture and Fisheries Census Division
Philippine Statistics Authority
17th Floor, Centris 3, EDSA Quezon Ave., Bgy. Pinyahan, Quezon City
General Information
Specific Metadata
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For data inquiries, contact:

Knowledge Management and Communications Division
Philippine Statistics Authority
9/F PSA Headquarters PSA Complex, East Avenue, Diliman,
Quezon City