Number of Fishing Gears/Accessories/Devices Used by Municipal Fishing Operators as of December 31, 2012, Type of Fishing Gears/Accessories/Devices, Category of Fishing, Region and Province: Philippines, 2012

Table ID: 2E6CNFG0

Indicator 1 Fishing Operator
Definition A fishing operator is a person who takes the technical and administrative responsibility of managing the day-to-day fishing operation. He/she is responsible for making major decisions, including the management and supervision of hired workers in his/her fishing operation. He/she may do the catching or gathering of aquatic products alone or with the members of his household. He/she may not do the catching or gathering of aquatic products but may employ others to do the job for him/her. He/she may be the owner of the fishing boat and/or fishing gear.

A fishing operator on “own account” is the owner who is solely responsible for the technical decisions and implementation of plans involving when and where to go out fishing, what fishing gears/accessories/devices to use, and other fishing activity and who is responsible for the consequences that may result from the fishing operation. He/she may hire workers to do the job for him/her and may own a boat/vessel and/or fishing gears

Indicator 2 Municipal Fishing Operation

Definition Municipal fishing operation carried out without the use of boat/vessel or with the use of a raft or a boat/vessel of three gross tons or less.

Indicator 3 Fishing Gear/Accessories/Devices

Definition Fishing gear is any apparatus, gadget, implement and other paraphernalia used in catching and gathering of fish, crustaceans, mollusks, and other aquatic products.

Examples are gill net/entangling net/drift net, beach seine, hook and line, fish pot, fish trap/fish corral, filter net, fyke net, hoop net, push net, cast net, drive-in net, cover pot, squid jig, crab pot, lambaklad net, purse seine, ring net, bag net, trawl net, round hawl seine, modified danish seine, fish shelter/fish aggregating device (FAD)/payaw, fishing light, scoop net, crab hook, luring device, sonar, fish finder, and harpoon. See Appendix 11 for the list of commonly used fishing gears.

Method of Computation / Estimation Procedure See attached:
2012 CAF Explanatory Text

Source of Basic Data Census of Agriculture and Fisheries
Source Document/ Agency Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)
Frequency of Release Every 10 years
Latest Available 2012
Level of Disaggregation National/Regional/Provincial
Contacts Agriculture and Fisheries Census Division
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