Number and Area of Holdings/Farms by Legal Status of the Holder/Farm Operator, Region and Province: Philippines, 2012

Table ID: 2E6CLSO0

Indicator 1 Number of Holdings/Farms
Definition Holding/Farm refers to any piece or pieces of land used wholly or partly for any agricutural activity (i.e. growing of crops, tending of livestock and poultry and other agricultural activity) and operated as one technical unit by one person alone or with others regardless of title, legal form, size or location.
Method of Computation / Estimation Procedure See attached:
2012 CAF Barangay Explanatory Text
Indicator 2 Area of Holdings/Farms
Method of Computation / Estimation Procedure See attached:
2012 CAF Barangay Explanatory Text
Definition Area of Holding/Farm refers to the size or actual measurement of the holding/farm in hectares.
Indicator 3 Average Area of Holdings/Farms
Definition Average area per holding/farm
Method of Computation / Estimation Procedure Average Area = Area of Holding/Farm / Number of Holding/Farm

See attached:
2012 CAF Explanatory Text
Indicator 4 Legal Status of the Holder/Farm Operator
Definition Legal status of the holder/farm operator refers to the form of organization under which the agricultural activity is undertaken. The operator may operate as an individual proprietor, partnership, corporation, cooperative, other private institution or government corporation/institution.

1. Individual proprietor is when the holding is operated by a person on his/her own account who may be the landowner, lessee, tenant or owner/lessee with hired manager.

2. Partnership is a form of business organization and ownership, whether or not registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), that results from a contract between two or more competent persons to associate themselves in a common ownership and management of a lawful business enterprise for profit.

3. Corporation is an organization formed for a definite purpose, under authority obtained from the government, treated as an artificial person, separate and apart from its owners/stockholders. Thus, it can own property, make contracts, borrow money, sue and be sued, all in its name, without involving its unlimited number of owners/stockholders in any liability more than the money they have invested in it. Note that this refers to private corporations only.

4. Cooperative is an organization composed primarily of small producers and consumers who voluntarily join together to form a business enterprise, which they themselves own, control, and patronize.

5. Other private institution refers to an organization owned and operated by a group of persons with the same interest and who bonded themselves together. This excludes private corporations. Examples are charitable institutions, and private schools.

6. Government corporation/institution refers to an organization owned and operated by the government. Examples are penal colonies, agricultural schools, correctional institutions, National Development Corporation, Bureau of Plant Industry Experimental Station, University of the Philippines Los BaƱos Experimental Station, and Bureau of Animal Industry

7. Others, specify is a form of organization not among the categories mentioned above.
Method of Computation / Estimation Procedure See attached:
2012 CAF Barangay Explanatory Text
Source of Basic Data Census of Agriculture and Fisheries
Source Document/ Agency Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)
Frequency of Release Every 10 years
Latest Available 2012
Level of Disaggregation National/Regional/Provincial
Contacts Agriculture and Fisheries Census Division
Philippine Statistics Authority
17th Floor, Centris 3, EDSA Quezon Ave., Bgy. Pinyahan, Quezon City
General Information
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Philippine Statistics Authority
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