Number of Aquaculture Operators by Sex, Age Group, Region and Province: Philippines, 2012

Table ID: 2E6CNAQ0

Indicator 1 Aquaculture Holder/Operator
Definition An aquacultural operator is a person who takes the technical and administrative responsibility of managing the day-to-day operation of an aquafarm. The aquacultural operator is responsible for making major decisions including the management and supervision of hired workers in his aquafarm. He/she may do the farming/culturing of aquatic products himself/herself or with the members of his household or may employ others to do the job for him/her. An aquacultural operator may be the owner of the aquafarm.

An aquacultural activity operated on “own account” means that the aquacultural operator is solely responsible for the technical decisions and implementation of plans involving the type of species to culture, stocking rate, and/or when to harvest. He/she is responsible for the consequences that may result from the aquacultural operation. He/she may hire workers to do the job for him/her.

A hired manager in the aquacultural operation is a person being paid a salary or wage, sometimes plus a commission, by other private individuals, corporations, cooperatives, and institutions to operate or be responsible for the day-to-day aquacultural operation. He may supervise other persons who work in the aquafarm. He is different from a caretaker or overseer who merely carries out his employer’s instructions.

Indicator 2 Sex of Aquaculture Holder/Operator

Definition The sex of each household member can be determined by his/her name or relationship to the head, but in some cases, there is a need to ask the respondent whether the person is a male or female. Some names such as Alex, Joey, or Charito, have been commonly used to refer to either a male or female person.

Sex disaggregated data is of prime importance in demographic and socio-econimic studies. Seperate data for males and females may be crucial in the analysis of many types of data. Demographers and statisticians likewise consider sex a key variable in evaluating the completeness and accuracy of census counts.

Indicator 3 Age of Aquaculture Holder/Operator

Definition Age of aquaculture holder/operator as of last birthday refers to the interval of time between the person’s date of birth and the date of visit. It is expressed in completed years, thus, age is recorded as whole number.

Data on age is essential in analyzing population changes and preparing population estimates and forecasting needed for the provision of basic health and social services like immunization, education, and others. This information is also needed for actuarial analysis of probability of survival and other related life table functions

Method of Computation / Estimation Procedure See attached:
2012 CAF Explanatory Text

Source of Basic Data Census of Agriculture and Fisheries
Source Document/ Agency Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)
Frequency of Release Every 10 years
Latest Available 2012
Level of Disaggregation National/Regional/Provincial
Contacts Agriculture and Fisheries Census Division
Philippine Statistics Authority
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