
The PSDP articulates the vision, direction, strategies and priority statistical programs and activities to be undertaken in the PSS for the medium term in order to meet current and emerging needs of the national and local planners, policy-makers and data producers. The formulation of the sectoral statistical development programs was spearheaded by the NSCB through the various inter-agency committees, task forces and working groups composed of the key players and stakeholders in the PSS. Indicative budget requirements for the programs and activities are also included.

The PSDP which is prepared every six years is designed to provide vital information support to the Medium-Term Philippine Development Program and to promote efficiency of statistical operations through optimum use of available resources and adoption of cost effective measures. It envisions a PSS with greater capacity to provide excellent service and high quality statistical information for better use in policy analysis and decision-making to meet the changing needs of the stakeholders, data users, society and the international community. Several PSDPs were formulated in the past and the current one is the PSDP 2011-2017 which is the eighth edition of PSDP developed by the system. This is the Philippine version of the National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS) being advocated by PARIS21 or Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century.

PSDP 2011-2017

The PSDP 2011-2017 represents the convergence of stakeholders in the Philippine Statistical System (PSS) towards the production and delivery of timely, relevant, and quality official statistics that is anchored on every Filipino’s right to information.

Broadly, the PSDP 2011-2017 envisions the PSS to be responsive, effective, and efficient in providing quality statistics for evidence-based decisions towards the attainment of the nation’s development goals.

The PSDP serves as a roadmap with strategic guideposts and pegs of desired outcomes that characterize the changes and reforms needed to realize the vision. With strong political support and adequate resources, the PSDP shall facilitate and ensure the production of statistics in aid of good governance towards inclusive growth, reduced poverty, and sustainable progress in the country.

PSDP 2011-2017 Vol I

Executive Summary

Highlights of PSDP 2011 - 2017


Philippine Statistical Development Program (PSDP) 2011-2017 Update

PSDP 2005-2010

The PSDP 2005-2010 envisions a Philippine Statistical System with greater capacity to provide excellent service and high quality statistical information for policy analysis and decision-making to meet the changing needs of the stakeholders, data users, society and the international community.

PSDP 2005-2010

PSDP 1999-2004

The PSDP, 1999-2004 envisions to develop a proactive statistical community capable of providing relevant statistical information and excellent services to society towards sustainable development and growth with social equity.

PSDP 1999-2004

General Information
Specific Metadata
Contact Information

For data inquiries, contact:

Knowledge Management and Communications Division
Philippine Statistics Authority
9/F PSA Headquarters PSA Complex, East Avenue Diliman,
Quezon City