Number of Barangays with Input Dealers by Region, Province and Highly Urbanized City: Philippines, 2012

Table ID: 2E6CIND0

Indicator Input Dealers
Definition Input dealers (persons or establishments) may be permanently situated in the barangay or are mobile.

The five different kinds of input dealers are as follows:

1. Fertilizer dealer – a person or establishment who/that sells fertilizers to farmers or farm operators. A fertilizer is any organic or inorganic material/substance of natural or synthetic origin, which is applied to the soil, irrigation water or hydroponic medium to supply plants with nutrients or enhance plant growth. Excluded in this category are persons/establishments who/that sells chicken dung and other animal manure as fertilizer.

2. Pesticide dealer – a person or establishment who/that sells pesticides to farmers or farm operators. A pesticide is a substance or mixture of subtances intended to repel, mitigate, control or destroy diseases and pests in plants or animals, and prevent any harm to agricultural commodity during the production, storage, transport, processing, and/or marketing phase. Included in this category are dealers of weedicides, herbicides, fungicides, rodenticides, insecticides, and other biopesticides.

3. Seeds dealer – a person or establishment who/that supplies seed inputs to farmers or farm operators.

4. Feeds dealer – a person or establishment who/that supplies processed food products for livestock and/or poultry. Also included in this category are aquaculture feeds dealers.

5. Veterinary medicine dealer – a person or establishment who/that supplies veterinary medicines for livestock, poultry and even animal species cultured in aquafarms.
Method of Computation See explanatory notes on 2012 CAF Barangay Explanatory Text
Source of Basic Data Census of Agriculture and Fisheries
Source Document/Agency Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)
Frequency of Release Every 10 years
Latest Available 2012
Level of Disaggregation National/Regional/Provincial/Highliy Urbanized Cities
Contacts Agriculture and Fisheries Census Division
Philippine Statistics Authority
17th Floor, Centris 3, EDSA Quezon Ave., Bgy. Pinyahan, Quezon City
Last Updated 03 December 2018


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