

Sort me Table Title Table ID
0012E4FILP0 Livestock and Poultry: Inventory by Animal Type, as of 1 January 1950, 1955, 1960, 1965, 1970-2020 2E4FILP0
0012E4FPLS0 Livestock: Volume of Production by Animal Type, by Region, by Quarter and by Semester, 2000-2020 2E4FPLS0
0012E4FSHD0 Livestock and Poultry: Volume of Animals Slaughtered/Birds Dressed by Animal Type, Philippines: 2013-2019 2E4FSHD0
0022E4FINL0 Livestock: Inventory by Animal Type, by Farm Type, by Region, by Province and by Quarter, 1994-2020P 2E4FINL0
0022E4FPLS1 Livestock: Volume of Production by Animal Type, by Region and Province, 2010-2019 2E4FPLS1
0022E4FPPE0 Poultry and Eggs: Volume of Production by Poultry Products, Region, Quarter and Semi-annual, 2000-2020 2E4FPPE0
0022E4FSSH0 Livestock: Animals Slaughtered in Slaughterhouses by Animal Type, Region, Province, 1987-2020P 2E4FSSH0
0032E4FDDP0 Chicken: Birds Dressed in Dressing Plants by Region, by Province, by Quarter and Semi-annual, 1984-2020P 2E4FDDP0
0032E4FINL1 Carabao: Inventory by Farm Type and Age Classification, as of January 1, 2013-2020 2E4FINL1
0042E4FINL2 Cattle: Inventory by Farm Type and Age Classification, as of January 1, 2013-2020 2E4FINL2
0042E4FPPE1 Poultry and Eggs: Volume of Production by Poultry Products, Region and Province, 2010-2019 2E4FPPE1
0052E4FINL3 Goat: Inventory by Farm Type and Age Classification, as of January 1, 2013-2020 2E4FINL3
0052E4FPDY0 Dairy: Volume of Production by Quarter and Semi-annual, 1981-2020 2E4FPDY0
0072E4FINC0 Chicken: Inventory by Type, by Region, by Province and by Quarter, 1994-2020P 2E4FINC0
0082E4FINC1 Layer Chicken: Inventory by Age Classification, as of January 1, 2013-2020 2E4FINC1
0092E4FIND0 Duck: Inventory by Farm Type, by Region, by Province and by Semester, 1994-2020P 2E4FIND0
0102E4FIND1 Duck: Inventory by Farm Type and Age Classification, as of January 1, 2013-2020 2E4FIND1
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