Share of Wage Employment in Non-Agricultural Employment

Table ID: 3K3F2100

Indicator Share of wage employment in non-agricultural employment
Definition Class of worker categories:
1. Wage and salary workers
2. Employers in own family-operated farm or business
3. Self-employed without any paid employee
4. Unpaid family workers (worked without pay) in own family-operated farm or business

Set of all production units engaged primarily in the same or similar kinds of productive economic activities.


The following are the major industry divisions: agriculture, hunting and forestry; fishing; mining and quarrying; manufacturing; electricity, gas and water supply; construction; wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods; hotels and restaurants; transport, storage and communication; financial intermediation; real estate, renting and business activities; public administration and defense; compulsory social security; education; health and social work; other community, social and personal service activities; private household with employed persons; and extra-territorial organizations and bodies. This term is used for disaggregating other labor and employment measures, e.g., total number of employed persons by major industry divisions.
Method of Computation Total wage and salary workers in non-agricultural employment as a percentage share of total non-agricultural employment.
Source of Basic Data Labor Force Survey (LFS)
Source Document/Agency Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)
Frequency of Release Annually
Latest Available 2018
Level of Disaggregation National: Total, men, women
Remarks This is a Millennium Development Goal indicator (MDG) on employment.
Contacts Employment Demand Statistics Division
Philippine Statistics Authority
16/F Cyberpod 3 Eton Centris, EDSA cor Quezon Avenue,
Quezon City, Philippines 1100
Tel./Fax: +632-3761952
Last Updated 09/24/2018
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Philippine Statistics Authority
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