Real GDP per Capita

Table ID: 3K3F1030

Indicator GDP per capita in PPP$ - GDP at constant 2011 international $ (level and growth rate)
Definition GDP per capita in PPP$ - GDP at constant 2011 international $ divided by total population.
Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) rate- defined as the number of units of a country’s currency that is required to buy the same amount of goods and services in the country as one US$ would buy in the US. PPP as a rate of conversion ensures that money exchanged for a dollar buys the same volume of goods and services in every country. By equalizing prices, PPP rates deliver a measure of relative GDP which is based on what constitutes "real" income, the volume of goods and services embodied in GDP. The method of using PPP is analogous to measuring GDP in different years at fixed base year prices.
Method of Computation GDP per capita in PPP$ - GDP at constant 2011 international $ divided by total population.
Source of Basic Data World Bank, World Development Indicators
Source Document/Agency World Bank
Frequency of Release Annual
Latest Available 2018
Level of Disaggregation National
Contacts Employment Demand Statistics Division
Philippine Statistics Authority
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Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines 1100
Telefax No.: +632-3761952
Last Updated 9/27/18
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