Proportion of Children Aged 0-5, 5.08-10, and 10.08-19 who are Stunted, Wasted, Underweight, and Overweight by Sex, Age, Year and Indicator

Table ID: 3E3D5010


Indicator Proportion of children aged 0-5, 5.08-10, 10.08-19 who are stunted
Proportion of children aged 0-5, 5.08-10, 10.08-19 who are wasted
Proportion of children aged 0-5, 5.08-10, 10.08-19 who are underweight
Proportion of children aged 0-5, 5.08-10, 10.08-19 who are overweight
Definition Underheight or stunted is a condition where the child's height is lower than that of a normal person of the same age and is measured using height-for-age as the index
Wasting or Thin is a condition where the child's weight is lower relative to his/her height or length than that of a normal child and is measured using weight-for-height as the index
Underweight is a condition where the child's weight is lower than that of a normal person of the same age and is measured using weight-for-age as the index
Overweight is a condition where a person's weight is greater than that of a normal person of the same age (in case of adolescents) or height (in case of adults), with BMI of more than P85 (85th percentile) for adolescents or between 25 and 30 kg/m2 for adults
Method of Computation "SD score = (height of individual - median value of height for age of reference population) / (standard deviation value of reference population)

Cutoff points:
Underheight or stunted: SD < -2
Normal: SD = -2 to +2
Above average or tall: SD > +2"

"SD score = (weight of individual - median value of weight for height of reference population) / (standard deviation value of reference population)

Cutoff points:
Wasting or thin: SD < -2
Normal: SD = -2 to +2
Overweight: SD > +2"

"SD score =(weight of individual - median value of weight for age of reference population) / (standard deviation value of reference population)

Cutoff points:
Underweight: SD < -2
Normal: SD = -2 to +2
Overweight: SD > +2"

"SD score = weight of individual - median value of weight for age of reference population) / (standard deviation value of reference population)

Cutoff points:
Underweight: SD < -2
Normal: SD = -2 to +2
Overweight: SD > +2"
Source of Basic Data National Nutrition Survey (NNS) and Updating of the Nutritional Status of Filipino Children and Other Population Groups (US)
Source Document/Agency Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI)
Frequency of Release "NNS: Every 5 years
US: Every 2 years"
"NNS - Every 5 years
Updating - Every 2 years"
Latest Available 2015
Level of Disaggregation "National
by Sex
by Age"
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Last Updated [insert date]


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Knowledge Management and Communications Division
Philippine Statistics Authority
9/F PSA Headquarters PSA Complex, East Avenue, Diliman,
Quezon City