Income Inequality by Period

Table ID: 3E3D2030


Indicator Gini index of household income, Ratio of income of families in the 10th percentile to the 90th percentile (P10/P90), Income share of bottom 30% to total income (%), Income Share of Bottom 10% to Total Income (%),
Definition Gini ratio is the ratio of the area between the Lorenz curve and the diagonal (the line of perfect equality) to the area below the diagonal. It is a measure of the extent to which the distribution of income/ expenditure among families/individuals deviates from a perfectly equal distribution, with limits 0 for perfect equality and 1 for perfect inequality.
P10/P90 is the ratio of income of families in the bottom 10% to the upper 10% of families.
Income share of bottom 30% to total income (%) is the total income of families/individuals in the bottom 30th percentile divided by the total income of all families/individuals.
Income share of bottom 10% to total income (%) is the total income of families/individuals in the bottom 10th percentile divided by the total income of all families/individuals.
Method of Computation Gini ratio is the ratio of the area between the Lorenz curve and the diagonal (the line of perfect equality) to the area below the diagonal.
P10/P90 = (Income of families in the bottom 10%) / (Income of families in the upper 10%)
Income Share of Bottom 30% to Total Income (%) = (Total income of families/individuals in the bottom 30th percentile) / (Total income of all families/individuals)
Income Share of Bottom 10% to Total Income (%) = (Total income of families/individuals in the bottom 10th percentile) / (Total income of all families/individuals)
Source of Basic Data Family Income and Expenditure Survey (FIES))
Source Document/Agency Philippine Statistics Authority
Frequency of Release Every 3 years
Latest Available 2015
Level of Disaggregation  
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