Agricultural Wage Rate of Farm Workers by Type of Wages, Type of Farm Workers, Period, Region, Year and Sex

Table ID: 2N5FAWR0

Indicator Agricultural Wage Rate
Definition Agricultural Wage Rate - is an indicator of progress and welfare of farm workers. It refers to the amount paid to the farm workers according to the agreed basis of payment.

Nominal Wage Rate - is the amount of wage a farm worker actually received and is expressed at current prices.

Real Wage Rate - is the nominal wage deflated by the current consumer price index.

Unofficial Source of Definition (CountrySTAT Metadata)
Method of Computation / Estimation Procedure 1. Number of mandays per hectare is derived as follows:
Mandays per hectare = Mandays of Labor ÷ Area Planted/Harvested
Mandays of labor = (Number of Hired Laborers X Number of Days X Number of Hours Worked per Day) ÷ 8

2. Nominal Wage Rate - is obtained by taking the sum of the amounts paid to laborers for all provinces (the numerator) and dividing it by the sum of mandays for all provinces in the same region (the denominator).This is computed as follows:

NWRt = Total Wage Paid ÷ Mandays
NWRt = Nominal Wage Rate of the given year

3. Real Wage Rate -is the nominal or money wage deflated by the consumer price index and is computed as:
RWRt = ( NWRt ÷ CPIt ) X 100%
RWRt = Real Wage Rate of the given year
NWRt = Nominal Wage Rate of the given year
CPIt = Consumer Price Index of the given year
4. To arrive at the composite agricultural wage rate, wage relatives by sector or commodity are multiplied by the corresponding weights. For purposes of establishing agricultural wage rate, farm parcels used in the production of palay, corn, coconut and sugarcane obtained from the 2012 Census of Agriculture (CA) are considered in the computation of weights.

qi = ni ÷ N


     qi = computed weight for the ith crop
     ni = number of farm parcels for the four crops
     N = total number of farm parcels for the four crops

WRA = ΣqiWRi

Note that: Σqi = qp + qc + qcn + qs
WRA = Agricultural Wage Rate
WR = Wage Rate

Source of Basic Data Agricultural Wage Rate Survey (AWRS)
Source Document/ Agency Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)
Frequency of Release Annually
Latest Available 2019
Level of Disaggregation National/Regional


Contacts Agricultural Accounts Division
16 Floor Eton Cyberpod Centris 3, EDSA corner Quezon Avenue, Barangay Pinyahan, Quezon City
Last Updated 14 March 2018
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Philippine Statistics Authority
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