Weights by Commodity Group for CPI, 2012-based

Table ID: 2M4ACPI3

Indicator Weights by Commodity Group for CPI
Definition Weight is a value attached to a commodity or group of commodities to indicate the relative importance of that commodity or group of commodities in the market basket.
Method of Computation / Estimation Procedure The weights for the 2012-based CPI were derived from the expenditure data of the 2012 FIES, a nationwide survey that covered around 44,542 sample households. The weight for each item of expenditure is a proportion of that expenditure item to the total national expenditure. The total (all items) national expenditure weights is equal to 100.
Source of Basic Data 2012 FIES
Source Document/ Agency Philippine Statistics Authority
Frequency of Release
Latest Available
Level of Disaggregation National, Regional, Provincial and Selected Cities
General Information
Specific Metadata
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