Annual Per Capita Consumption of Agricultural Commodities by Geolocation, Commodity, Year and Socio-Economic Class

Table ID: 1E5FPCC0

Definition CONSUMPTION - includes food prepared at home and consumed at home by household members, delivered/take-home food from outside (bought or free) and consumed at home by the household members, food prepared at home and consumed outside by household members, and food prepared and eaten in food establishment.

PER CAPITA CONSUMPTION - refers to the quantity of food consumed per person. It is derived by dividing total consumption of a particular commodity by the population.

AB (Upper Class) - The most affluent group whose homes and lifestyles exude an obvious disregard for or lack of economizin.

C (Upper/Middle Class) - The homes and lifestyles reflect comfortable living and the capacity to indulge in a few luxuries.

D (Lower Class) - Households who have some comfort and means but basically thrives on a mouth-to-mouth existence.

E (Extremely Low Class) - Those who evidently face great difficulties in meeting their basic survival needs.

Unofficial Source of Definition (Metadata for National Agricultural Statistics of the Philippines)
Method of Computation / Estimation Procedure Household-level Food Consumption
Food consumption was determined for each food item. Estimation of household-level food consumption within and outside the household comprised of four (4) components as follows:
(A) - Food prepared at home and consumed at home by household members;
(B) - Delivered / take-out food consumed at home by household members;
(C) - Food prepared at home and consumed outside by household members; and
(D) - Food prepared in food establishments and consumed outside by household members.
Food consumption within and outside the household, denoted by c, is the sum of components A, B, C and D, expressed as:
The first three components were gathered directly from the respondents, while the fourth was derived based on the assumption that the food consumption pattern of household members within the household is more or less the same as the food consumption pattern of household members when they eat in food establishments. In formula terms, D is expressed as:

     m = is the total number of man-meals consu,ed by household members within the household during the past week
      s =  is the total number of man-snacks consumed by household members within the household during the past week

    m* = is the total number of man-meals consumed by household members in food establishments during the past week
   s* = is the total number of man-snacks consumed by household members in food establishment during the past week

Province/Domain-level Estimates
At the provincial level, the estimated total consumption of a particular food item during the past week, denoted by Ŷ was computed by direct expansion of corresponding household-level data across all samples, that is,

   Chij = is the total consumption of a specific commodity of the jth sample household in th ith sample barangay under the hth stratum; the sum of components A, B, C and D.
    nhi = is the total number of sample households in the ith sample barangay under the hth stratum
    Nhi = is the total number of households in the ith sample barangay under the hth stratum
    bh = is the total number of sample barangays under hth stratum
    Bh = is the total number of barangays under hth stratum
    L = is the total number of strata for the province

Likewise, the number of eaters Ȇ for the past seven days was estimated as follows:

ehij = is the total number of household members who were served meals/snacks within th jth sample household in the ith sample barangay under the hth stratum nhi, Nhi, bh, Bh and L are as defined above.

The same procedure, that is, direct expansion of household-level characteristics across all samples in the domain, was applied to other variables in the survey.

Per capita consumption for the province for the past seven days represents the per capita consumption for one survey round or quarter. This was computed as the ration of the estimated total food consumption and estimated number of eaters, that is,

Meanwhile, annual per capita consumption for the province was computed as the ratio of the sum of the estimated total consumption across the four survey rounds to the sum of the estimated number of eaters across these survey rounds, multiplied by 52, the number of weeks in a year, that is,

Source of Basic Data Survey on Food Demand Agricultural Commodities (SFD)
Source Document/ Agency Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)
Frequency of Release Special Survey
Latest Available 2012
Level of Disaggregation National/Regional
Remarks The conduct of this survey depends on the available fund
Contacts Agricultural Accounts Division
21/F PSA Headquarters PSA Complex, East Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City
Last Updated 11 January 2018
General Information
Specific Metadata
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Knowledge Management and Communications Division
Philippine Statistics Authority
9/F PSA Headquarters PSA Complex, East Avenue, Diliman,
Quezon City