Rice and Corn: Monthly Total Stocks Inventory by Sector
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Total 46 Selected


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Total 12 Selected


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metric tons
Crops Statistics Division;Philippine Statistics Authority;16th Floor PSA Headquarters, PSA Complex, East Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines 1101;Tel.(+632)83762022;
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Rice and Corn Stocks Survey: Household (RCSS:H) for household data, Rice and Corn Stocks Survey: Commercial (RCSS:C) for commercial data, and NFA Stocks for NFA data
Creation date
Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)


Corn Stock - Excludes corn stocks held by commercial livestock and poultry producers and corn mixed in feed stocks;Rice: Revised NFA and Commercial stocks data for January 2009; Corn: Revised NFA and Commercial stocks data for 2005-2008;Rice: Revised NFA stocks data for August 2009;Rice and Corn: Revised Data for NFA and Commercial stocks for September 2009;Rice: Household stocks data adjusted for 2003;Rice: Monthly estimates of commercial stocks inventory adjusted for undercoverage based on the April 1991 updated list (1991);Rice: Revised NFA stocks data for 2001-2002;Corn: Total stocks does not include stocks held by commercial livestock and poultry producers and corn mixed in feed stock;Corn: NFA stocks for April and June 1993 is less than 1 metric ton;Corn: Revised NFA stocks data for June 2011;Rice and Corn: Revised NFA stocks data for January 2012;Rice: Revised Commercial stocks data for August 2012;Corn: Revised NFA and Commercial stocks data for August 2012;Corn: Revised Household stocks data for November 2012;Rice and Corn: Revised data (Total);Rice and Corn: Revised Total and Commercial stocks data for May 2020; Rice: Revised Total and Commercial stocks data for September 2020; Rice: Revised Total and Commercial stocks data for October 2020; Corn: Revised Commercial stocks data for February and March 2021; Corn: Revised Total and Commercial stocks data for June 2021; Rice: Revised NFA stocks data for March 2022; Rice: Revised Total stocks data for June 2022; Rice: Revised Commercial stocks data for June 2022; Corn: Revised Total and Commercial stocks data for October 2022; Rice: Revised Total, Household, and Commercial stocks data for January 2023; Corn: Revised Total and Commercial stocks data for January 2023; Corn: Revised Total, Household and Commercial stocks data for March 2023; Rice and Corn: Revised household, commercial, and total stocks data for October 2023; Rice and Corn: Revised commercial and total stocks data for October 2023; Rice: Revised total and commercial stocks data for April 2024; Rice: Revised total, household and commercial stocks data for October 2024; Corn: Revised total, household and commercial stocks data for October 2024; Rice and Corn: Revised household and commercial stocks data for December 2024; Rice and Corn: Revised total stocks data for January 2025; Rice: Revised commercial stocks data for January 2025; Corn: Revised household and commercial stocks data for January 2025; Rice and Corn: Preliminary household and commercial stocks data for February 2025.