  1. Table 1. Annual Per Capita Poverty Threshold and Poverty Incidence Among Families with Measures of Precision, by Region and Province: 2018, 2021, and 2023

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    1. Geolocation: PHILIPPINES, ..National Capital Region (NCR), ....1st District, ....2nd District, ..., ....Cotabato City (108)
    2. Threshold/Incidence/Measures of Precision: Annual Per Capita Poverty Threshold (in PhP), Poverty Incidence Among Families (%), Coefficient of Variation, Standard Error, ..., 95% Confidence Interval (Upper Limits) (6)
    3. Year: 2018, 2021, 2023, (3)

  2. Table 1a. Annual Per Capita Poverty Threshold and Poverty Incidence Among Families with Measures of Precision

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    1. Geolocation: PHILIPPINES r1, 1/, 2/, 3/, ..National Capital Region (NCR) 1/, 2/, a/, ....1st District, ......City of Manila a/, b/, c/, ..., ....Cotabato City (142)
    2. Threshold/Incidence/Parameters: Annual Per Capita Poverty Threshold (in PhP), Poverty Incidence among Families (%), Coefficient of Variation, Standard Error, ..., 95% Confidence Interval (Upper Limit) (6)
    3. Year: 2018, 2021, 2023, (3)

  3. Table 2. Annual Per Capita Poverty Threshold and Poverty Incidence Among Population with Measures of Precision, by Region and Province: 2018, 2021, and 2023

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    1. Geolocation: PHILIPPINES r1, 1/, 2/, 3/, ..National Capital Region (NCR) 1/, 2/, a/, ....1st District a/, b/, c/, ....2nd District 2/, a/, b/, c/, ..., ....Cotabato City (108)
    2. Parameters: Annual Per Capita Poverty Threshold (in PhP), Poverty Incidence among Population (%), Coefficient of Variation, Standard Error, ..., 95% Confidence Interval (Upper Limits) (6)
    3. Year: 2018, 2021, 2023, (3)

  4. Table 2a. Annual Per Capita Poverty Threshold and Poverty Incidence Among Population with Measures of Precision, by Region, Province and Highly Urbanized Cities: 2018, 2021, and 2023

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    1. Geolocation: PHILIPPINES r1, 1/, 2/, 3/, ..National Capital Region (NCR) 1/, 2/, a/, ....1st District, ....City of Manila a/, b/, c/, ..., ....Cotabato City (142)
    2. Threshold/Incidence/Parameters: Annual Per Capita Poverty Threshold (in PhP), Poverty Incidence among Population (%), Coefficient of Variation, Standard Error, ..., 95% Confidence Interval (Upper Limit) (6)
    3. Year: 2018, 2021, 2023, (3)

  5. Table 3. Annual Per Capita Food Threshold and Subsistence Incidence Among Families with Measures of Precision

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    1. Geolocation: PHILIPPINES r1, 1/, 2/, 3/, ..National Capital Region (NCR) 2/, 3/, a/, b/, c/, ....1st District **, 1/, a/, c/, ....2nd District 2/, a/, b/, c/, ..., ....Cotabato City a/, b/, c/ (108)
    2. Threshold/Incidence/Measures of Precision: Annual Per Capita Food Threshold (in PhP), Subsistence Incidence among Families (%), Coefficient of Variation, Standard Error, ..., 95% Confidence Interval (Upper Limit) (6)
    3. Year: 2018, 2021, 2023, (3)

  6. Table 3a. Annual Per Capita Food Threshold and Subsistence Incidence Among Families with Measures of Precision

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    1. Geolocation: PHILIPPINES r1, 1/, 2/, 3/, ..National Capital Region (NCR) 2/, 3/, a/, b/, c/, ....1st District, ....City of Manila 1/, a/, c/, ..., ....Cotabato City a/, b/, c/ (142)
    2. Threshold/Incidence/Measures of Precision: Annual Per Capita Food Threshold (in PhP), Subsistence Incidence among Families (%), Coefficient of Variation, Standard Error, ..., 95% Confidence Interval (Upper Limit) (6)
    3. Year: 2018, 2021, 2023, (3)

  7. Table 4. Annual Per Capita Food Threshold and Subsistence Incidence Among Population with Measures of Precision, by Region and Province: 2018, 2021, and 2023

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    1. Geolocation: PHILIPPINES r1, 1/, 2/, 3/, ..National Capital Region (NCR) 2/, 3/, a/, b/, c/, ....1st District **, 1/, a/, c/, ....2nd District **, 2/, a/, b/, c/, ..., ....Cotabato City a/, b/, c/ (108)
    2. Threshold/Incidence/Measures of Precision: Annual Per Capita Food Threshold (in PhP), Subsistence Incidence among Population (%), Coefficient of Variation, Standard Error, ..., 95% Confidence Interval (Upper Limit) (6)
    3. Year: 2018, 2021, 2023, (3)

  8. Table 4a. Annual Per Capita Food Threshold and Subsistence Incidence Among Population with Measures of Precision, by Region, Province and Highly Urbanized Cities: 2018, 2021, and 2023

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    1. Geolocation: PHILIPPINES r1, 1/, 2/, 3/, ..National Capital Region (NCR) 2/, 3/, a/, b/, c/, ....1st District, ....City of Manila 1/, a/, c/, ..., ....Cotabato City a/, b/, c/ (142)
    2. Threshold/Incidence/Parameters: Annual Per Capita Food Threshold (in PhP), Subsistence Incidence among Population (%), Coefficient of Variation, Standard Error, ..., 95% Confidence Interval (Upper Limit) (6)
    3. Year: 2018, 2021, 2023, (3)

  9. Table 5. Magnitude of Poor Families with Measures of Precision, by Region and Province: 2018, 2021, and 2023

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    1. Geolocation: PHILIPPINES r1, 1/, 2/, ..National Capital Region (NCR) 1/, 2/, a/, ....1st District a/, b/, c/, ....2nd District 2/, a/, b/, c/, ..., ....Cotabato City b/ (108)
    2. Estimates/Measures of Precision: Estimate ('000), Coefficient of Variation, Standard Error, 95% Confidence Interval (Lower Limit), 95% Confidence Interval (Upper Limit) (5)
    3. Year: 2018, 2021, 2023, (3)

  10. Table 5a. Magnitude of Poor Families with Measures of Precision, by Region, Province and Highly Urbanized Cities: 2018, 2021, and 2023

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    1. Geolocation: PHILIPPINES r1, 1/, 2/, ..National Capital Region (NCR) 1/, 2/, a/, ....1st District, ....City of Manila a/, b/, c/, ..., ....Cotabato City b/ (142)
    2. Estimates/Measures of Precision: Estimate ('000), Coefficient of Variation, Standard Error, 95% Confidence Interval (Lower Limit), 95% Confidence Interval (Upper Limit) (5)
    3. Year: 2018, 2021, 2023, (3)

  11. Table 6. Magnitude of Poor Population with Measures of Precision, by Region and Province: 2018, 2021, and 2023

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    1. Geolocation: PHILIPPINES r1, 1/, 2/, ..National Capital Region (NCR) 1/, 2/, a/, c/, ....1st District a/, b/, c/, ....2nd District 2/, a/, b/, c/, ..., ....Cotabato City b/ (108)
    2. Estimates/Measures of Precision: Estimate ('000), Coefficient of Variation, Standard Error, 95% Confidence Interval (Lower Limit), 95% Confidence Interval (Upper Limit) (5)
    3. Year: 2018, 2021, 2023, (3)

  12. Table 6a. Magnitude of Poor Population with Measures of Precision, by Region, Province and Highly Urbanized Cities: 2018, 2021, and 2023

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    1. Geolocation: PHILIPPINES r1, 1/, 2/, ..National Capital Region (NCR) 1/, 2/, a/, c/, ....1st District, ....City of Manila a/, b/, c/, ..., ....Cotabato City b/ (142)
    2. Estimates/Measures of Precision: Estimate ('000), Coefficient of Variation, Standard Error, 95% Confidence Interval (Lower Limit), 95% Confidence Interval (Upper Limit) (5)
    3. Year: 2018, 2021, 2023, (3)

  13. Table 7. Magnitude of Subsistence Poor Families with Measures of Precision, by Region and Province: 2018, 2021, and 2023

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    1. Geolocation: PHILIPPINES r1, 1/, 2/, 3/, ..National Capital Region (NCR) 2/, 3/, a/, b/, c/, ....1st District **, 1/, a/, c/, ....2nd District 2/, a/, b/, c/, ..., ....Cotabato City a/, b/, c/ (108)
    2. Estimates/Measures of Precision: Estimate ('000), Coefficient of Variation, Standard Error, 95% Confidence Interval (Lower Limit), 95% Confidence Interval (Upper Limit) (5)
    3. Year: 2018, 2021, 2023, (3)

  14. Table 7a. Magnitude of Subsistence Poor Families with Measures of Precision, by Region, Province and Highly Urbanized Cities: 2018, 2021, and 2023

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    1. Geolocation: PHILIPPINES r1, 1/, 2/, 3/, ..National Capital Region (NCR) 2/, 3/, a/, b/, c/, ....1st District, ....City of Manila **, 1/, a/, c/, ..., ....Cotabato City a/, b/, c/ (142)
    2. Estimate/Measures of Precision: Estimate ('000), Coefficient of Variation, Standard Error, 95% Confidence Interval (Lower Limit), 95% Confidence Interval (Upper Limit) (5)
    3. Year: 2018, 2021, 2023, (3)

  15. Table 8. Magnitude of Subsistence Poor Population with Measures of Precision, by Region and Province: 2018, 2021, and 2023

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    1. Geolocation: PHILIPPINES r1, 1/, 2/, 3/, ..National Capital Region (NCR) 2/, 3/, a/, b/, c/, ....1st District **, 1/, a/, c/, ....2nd District 2/, a/, b/, c/, ..., ....Cotabato City a/, b/, c/ (108)
    2. Estimate/Measures of Precision: Estimate ('000), Coefficient of Variation, Standard Error, 95% Confidence Interval (Lower Limit), 95% Confidence Interval (Upper Limit) (5)
    3. Year: 2018, 2021, 2023, (3)

  16. Table 8a. Magnitude of Subsistence Poor Population with Measures of Precision, by Region, Province and Highly Urbanized Cities: 2018, 2021, and 2023

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    1. Geolocation: PHILIPPINES r1, 1/, 2/, 3/, ..National Capital Region (NCR) 2/, 3/, a/, b/, c/, ....1st District, ....City of Manila **, 1/, a/, c/, ..., ....Cotabato City a/, b/, c/ (142)
    2. Estimate/Measures of Precision: Estimate ('000), Coefficient of Variation, Standard Error, 95% Confidence Interval (Lower Limit), 95% Confidence Interval (Upper Limit) (5)
    3. Year: 2018, 2021, 2023, (3)

  17. Table 9. Distribution of the Coefficients of Variation (CVs) of the Poverty Incidence Among Families: 2018, 2021, and 2023

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    1. Province/Range of CV: Range of CV (based on the computed CV for the 2023 Full Year Poverty Incidence Among Families), PHILIPPINES r1, 1/, 2/, 3/, > 0 but <=10, ..Maguindanao 1/, 3/, ..., ..Ilocos Norte 2/, 3/, a/, b/, c/ (93)
    2. Coefficient of Variation: Coefficient of Variation, (1)
    3. Year: 2018, 2021, 2023, (3)

  18. Table 10. Income Gap with Measures of Precision, by Region and Province: 2018, 2021, and 2023

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    1. Geolocation: PHILIPPINES r1, 1/, 2/, 3/, ..National Capital Region (NCR), ....1st District 1/, 2/, ....2nd District 2/, ..., ....Cotabato City 2/ (108)
    2. Estimate/Measures of Precision: Estimate (%), Standard Error, 95% Confidence Interval (Lower Limit), 95% Confidence Interval (Upper Limit), (4)
    3. Year: 2018, 2021, 2023, (3)

  19. Table 10a. Income Gap with Measures of Precision, by Region, Province and Highly Urbanized Cities: 2018, 2021, and 2023

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    1. Geolocation: PHILIPPINES r1, 1/, 2/, 3/, ..National Capital Region (NCR), ....1st District, ....City of Manila 1/, 2/, ..., ....Cotabato City 2/ (142)
    2. Estimates/Measures of Precision: Estimate (%), Standard Error, 95% Confidence Interval (Lower Limit), 95% Confidence Interval (Upper Limit), (4)
    3. Year: 2018, 2021, 2023, (3)

  20. Table 11. Poverty Gap with Measures of Precision, by Region and Province: 2018, 2021, and 2023

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    1. Geolocation: PHILIPPINES r1, 1/, 2/, 3/, ..National Capital Region (NCR) 1/, 2/, 3/, ....1st District 1/, ....2nd District 2/, 3/, ..., ....Cotabato City (108)
    2. Estimates/Measures of Precision: Estimate (%), Standard Error, 95% Confidence Interval (Lower Limit), 95% Confidence Interval (Upper Limit), (4)
    3. Year: 2018, 2021, 2023, (3)

  21. Table 11a. Poverty Gap with Measures of Precision, by Region, Province and Highly Urbanized Cities: 2018, 2021, and 2023

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    1. Geolocation: PHILIPPINES r1, 1/, 2/, 3/, ..National Capital Region (NCR) 1/, 2/, 3/, ....1st District, ....City of Manila 1/, ..., ....Cotabato City (142)
    2. Estimates/Measures of Precision: Estimate (%), Standard Error, 95% Confidence Interval (Lower Limit), 95% Confidence Interval (Upper Limit), (4)
    3. Year: 2018, 2021, 2023, (3)

  22. Table 12. Severity of Poverty with Measures of Precision, by Region and Province: 2018, 2021, and 2023

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    1. Geolocation: PHILIPPINES r1, 1/, 2/, 3/, ..National Capital Region (NCR) **, 2/, 3/, ....1st District **, 1/, ....2nd District **, 2/, ..., ....Cotabato City (108)
    2. Estimates/Measures of Precision: Estimate (%), Standard Error, 95% Confidence Interval (Lower Limit), 95% Confidence Interval (Upper Limit), (4)
    3. Year: 2018, 2021, 2023, (3)

  23. Table 12a. Severity of Poverty with Measures of Precision, by Region, Province and Highly Urbanized Cities: 2018, 2021, and 2023

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    1. Geolocation: PHILIPPINES r1, 1/, 2/, 3/, ..National Capital Region (NCR) **, 2/, 3/, ....1st District, ....City of Manila 1/, ..., ....Cotabato City (142)
    2. Estimates/Measures of Precision: Estimate (%), Standard Error, 95% Confidence Interval (Lower Limit), 95% Confidence Interval (Upper Limit), (4)
    3. Year: 2018, 2021, 2023, (3)

  24. Table 13. Poverty Incidence among Families and Population in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao: 2018, 2021, and 2023

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    1. Major Island Group: PHILIPPINES r1, 1/, 2/, 3/, 4/, 5/, 6/, ..Luzon 1/, 2/, 4/, 5/, ....NCR 1/, 2/, 4/, 5/, ....Rest of Luzon 1/, 2/, 4/, 5/, ..., ..Mindanao r1, 1/, 2/, 3/, 4/, 5/, 6/ (6)
    2. Among Families/Population: Poverty Incidence among Families (%), Poverty Incidence among Population (%), (2)
    3. Year: 2018, 2021, 2023, (3)

  25. Table 14. Subsistence Incidence among Families and Population in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao: 2018, 2021, and 2023

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    1. Major Island Group: PHILIPPINES r1, 1/, 2/, 3/, 4/, 5/, 6/, ..Luzon 1/, 2/, 4/, 5/, ....NCR 2/, 3/, 5/, 6/, ....Rest of Luzon 1/, 2/, 4/, 5/, ..., ..Mindanao r1, 1/, 2/, 3/, 4/, 5/, 6/ (6)
    2. Among Families/Population: Subsistence Incidence among Families (%), Subsistence Incidence among Population (%), (2)
    3. Year: 2018, 2021, 2023, (3)

  26. Table 15. Grouping of Provinces based on 2023 Full Year Poverty Incidence among Families, by Province: 2018, 2021, and 2023

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    1. Province: Basilan, Cotabato City, Maguindanao, Maguindanao del Sur, ..., Tarlac a/, c/ (89)
    2. Subtitle: (where Group 1 indicates the bottom (poorest) grouping of provinces), (1)
    3. Year: 2018, 2021, 2023, (3)
    4. Group/Poverty Incidence/Confidence Interval: Group d/, Poverty Incidence, 95% Confidence Interval (Lower Limit), 95% Confidence Interval (Upper Limit), (4)

  27. Table 16. Annual Per Capita Food and Poverty Threshold, by Province and Urban/Rural Classification: 2018, 2021, and 2023

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    1. Geolocation: PHILIPPINES r1, ..National Capital Region (NCR) a/, ....1st District, ....2nd District, ..., ....Tawi-tawi (107)
    2. Food and Poverty Threshold (in PhP): Annual Per Capita Food Threshold (in PhP), Annual Per Capita Poverty Threshold (in PhP), (2)
    3. Urban/Rural: Urban, Rural, (2)
    4. Year: 2018, 2021, 2023, (3)