  1. Average Monthly Wage Rates of Benchmark Occupations by Industry: 2014 to 2022

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    1. Industries: All Industries, Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing, Crop and Animal Production, Hunting and Related Service Activities; Forestry and Logging, Fishing and Aquaculture, ..., Other Personal Service Activities (88)
    2. Benchmark Occupations: ..Accounting and Bookkeeping Clerks, ..Unskilled Workers except Janitors, Messengers and Freight Handlers, ..Elementary Occupations (Unskilled Workers), (3)
    3. Year: 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022 (5)

  2. Median Monthly Basic Pay and Allowance of Time-Rate Workers on Full-Time Basis by Industry, 2014 to 2022

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    1. Sex: Both Sexes, Male, Female, (3)
    2. Industries: All Industries, Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing, Crop and Animal Production, Hunting and Related Service Activities; Forestry and Logging, Fishing and Aquaculture, ..., Other Personal Service Activities (88)
    3. Basic Pay/Allowance: Median Basic Pay, Median Allowances, (2)
    4. Year: 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022 (5)