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Median Monthly Basic Pay and Allowance of Time-Rate Workers on Full-Time Basis by Industry, 2014 to 2022
Both Sexes   
All Industries   
Median Basic Pay11,75612,01313,559
Median Allowances9141,1301,716
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing   
Median Basic Pay8,4497,9279,861
Median Allowances4782881,099
Crop and Animal Production, Hunting and Related Service Activities; Forestry and Logging   
Median Basic Pay8,3067,7729,791
Median Allowances7242501,501
All Industries   
Median Basic Pay..13,481
Median Allowances..1,588
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing   
Median Basic Pay..9,807
Median Allowances..975
Crop and Animal Production, Hunting and Related Service Activities; Forestry and Logging   
Median Basic Pay..9,726
Median Allowances..1,269
All Industries   
Median Basic Pay..13,719
Median Allowances..1,933
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing   
Median Basic Pay..10,036
Median Allowances..1,656
Crop and Animal Production, Hunting and Related Service Activities; Forestry and Logging   
Median Basic Pay..9,981
Median Allowances..1,651
Median Monthly Basic Pay and Allowance of Time-Rate Workers on Full-Time Basis by Industry, 2014 to 2022


a Less than 500.
1. Time-rated workers on full-time basis refers to workers paid on the basis of a time unit of work and who work at jobs with hours of work equal to or more than those considered as normal or regular to the establishments.
2. Basic pay refers to pay for normal/regular working time before deductions for employees' social security contributions and withholding taxes.
It excludes overtime, night shift differential and other premium pay; commissions, tips and share of employees in service charge; and payment in kind.
3. Allowances refer to regular/guaranteed cash payments. These include living allowance but exclude reimbursements for travel, entertainment, meals and other expenses, etc.
incurred in conducting the business of the employer, cost of uniform/working clothes; bonuses and gratuities; family allowances.
4. Median refers to the amount where half of the workers in the basic pay or allowance distribution receives more while the other half receives less.


a Less than 500.
1. Time-rated workers on full-time basis refers to workers paid on the basis of a time unit of work and who work at jobs with hours of work equal to or more than those considered as normal or regular to the establishments.
2. Basic pay refers to pay for normal/regular working time before deductions for employees' social security contributions and withholding taxes.
It excludes overtime, night shift differential and other premium pay; commissions, tips and share of employees in service charge; and payment in kind.
3. Allowances refer to regular/guaranteed cash payments. These include living allowance but exclude reimbursements for travel, entertainment, meals and other expenses, etc.
incurred in conducting the business of the employer, cost of uniform/working clothes; bonuses and gratuities; family allowances.
4. Median refers to the amount where half of the workers in the basic pay or allowance distribution receives more while the other half receives less.


As Indicated
Labor Demand, Relations, and Standards Statistics Division
Philippine Statistics Authority
20/F PSA 23-Storey Building, PSA Complex East Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City 1101
Tel./Fax: +632-83761952
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Every two years.
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Occupational Wages Survey
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Philippine Statistics Authority