  1. Number of Registered Death by Usual Residence and Sex

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    1. Region, Province, City/Municipality: TOTAL, NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION (NCR), ......City of Caloocan, ......City of Las Piñas, ..., FOREIGN COUNTRY (135)
    2. Year: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, ..., 2022 (10)
    3. Sex: Both Sexes, Male, Female, (3)

  2. Number of Registered Total Deaths, Maternal Deaths and Infant Deaths and by Usual Residence and Place of Occurrence (Region, Province, City/Municipality), Philippines:2016

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    1. Geolocation: PHILIPPINES, ..NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION, ….City of Manila, ….City of Mandaluyong, ..., ..FOREIGN COUNTRIES (119)
    2. Type of Death: Total Deaths, Maternal Deaths, Infant Deaths, (3)
    3. Item: Usual Residence, Place of Occurrence, (2)

  3. Number of Registered Deaths by Age and Sex, Philippines: 2016

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    1. AGE: Total, ….Under 1, ….1-4, ….5-9, ..., ….Not Stated (23)
    2. Sex: Total, Male, Female, (3)

  4. Deaths : Number of Deaths by Usual Residence (Region, Province and City/Municipality), Age Group and Sex: Philippines, 2016

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    1. Geolocation: PHILIPPINES, ..NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION, ....City of Manila, ....City of Mandaluyong, ..., FOREIGN COUNTRIES (119)
    2. Age Group: All Ages, Under 1, 1-4, 5-9, ..., Not Stated (21)
    3. Sex: Male, Female, (2)

  5. Deaths : Number of Registered Deaths by Usual Residence and Place of Occurrence and Attendance at Death, (Region,Province and City/Municipality) Philippines: 2016

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    1. Geolocation: PHILIPPINES, ..NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION, ....City of Manila, ....City of Mandaluyong, ..., FOREIGN COUNTRIES (119)
    2. Place Status: Usual Residence, Place of Occurrence, (2)
    3. Attendance Status: Total, Medically Attended, Not Attended, Not Stated, (4)

  6. Number of Registered Deaths by Causes of Death and Sex, Philippines: 2016

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    1. Cause of Death: Total, ….Cholera, ….Diarrhea and gastroenteritis of presumed infectious origin, ….Other intestinal infectious diseases, ..., ….All other external causes (73)
    2. Sex: Total, Male, Female, (3)

  7. Deaths : Number of Registered Infant Deaths by Usual Residence (Region,Province and City/Municipality) and Month of Occurrence, Philippines: 2016

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    1. Geolocation: PHILIPPINES, ..NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION, ....City of Manila, ....City of Mandaluyong, ..., FOREIGN COUNTRIES (119)
    2. Month of Occurrence: Total, January, February, March, ..., December (13)

  8. Deaths: Number of Registered Infant Deaths by Usual Residence (Region, Provinceand City/Municipality), Age and Sex, Philippines: 2016

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    1. Geolocation: PHILIPPINES, ..NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION, ....City of Manila, ....City of Mandaluyong, ..., FOREIGN COUNTRIES (119)
    2. Age Group: Total, Under 1 Day, 1 Day, 2 Days, ..., 11 Months (23)
    3. Sex: Male, Female, (2)

  9. Deaths : Number of Registered Infant Deaths by Usual Residence and Attendance at Death, (Region,Province and City/Municipality) Philippines: 2016

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    1. Geolocation: PHILIPPINES, ..NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION, ....City of Manila, ....City of Mandaluyong, ..., FOREIGN COUNTRIES (119)
    2. Attendant at Death: Total, Private Physician, Public Health Officer, Hospital Authority, ..., Not Stated (7)

  10. Deaths : Number of Registered Infant Deaths by Place of Occurrence and Attendant at Death, (Region, Province and City/Municipality) Philippines: 2016

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    1. Geolocation: PHILIPPINES, ..NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION, ....City of Manila, ....City of Mandaluyong, ..., ....Tawi-Tawi (118)
    2. Attendant at Death: Total, Private Physician, Public Health Officer, Hospital Authority, ..., Not Stated (7)

  11. Deaths : Number of Registered Infant Deaths by Causes of Death and Sex, Philippines: 2016

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    1. Cause of Death: Total, Diarrhea and gastroenteritis of infectious origin, Other intestinal infectious diseases, Tuberculosis, ..., All other external causes (57)
    2. Sex: Total, Male, Female, (3)

  12. Deaths : Number of Registered Maternal Deaths by Usual Residence (Region/Province/City/Municipality) and Age of Mother, Philippines: 2016

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    1. Geolocation: PHILIPPINES, ..NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION, ....City of Manila, ....City of Mandaluyong, ..., ....Tawi-Tawi (118)
    2. Age Group: Total, Under 15, 15 - 19, 20 - 24, ..., Not Stated (11)