  1. Number of Registered Live Births by Sex and by Usual Residence of Mother (Region, Province and Highly Urbanized City), Philippines: January - December 2013-2022

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    1. Region, Province/Highly Urbanized City: TOTAL, NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION (NCR), ..City of Caloocan, ..City of Las PiƱas, ..., FOREIGN COUNTRY (135)
    2. Year: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, ..., 2022 (10)
    3. Sex: Both Sexes, Male, Female, (3)

  2. Number of Live Births by Geographic Location, Type of Location and Sex: 2016

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    1. Geographic Location: PHILIPPINES, National Capital Region (NCR), ..City of Manila, ..City of Mandaluyong, ..., FOREIGN COUNTRY (119)
    2. Type of Location: Place of Occurrence, Usual Residence, (2)
    3. Sex: Both Sexes, Male, Female, (3)

  3. Number of Live Births by Place of Occurrence and Attendant at Birth: 2016

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    1. Place of Occurrence: PHILIPPINES, National Capital Region (NCR), ..City of Manila, ..City of Mandaluyong, ..., ..Tawi-Tawi (118)
    2. Attendant at Birth: Total, Health Professional, Traditional Birth Attendants, Others, Not Stated (5)

  4. Number of Live Births by Usual Residence of Mother and Attendant At Birth: 2016

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    1. Usual Residence of Mother: PHILIPPINES, National Capital Region (NCR), ..City of Manila, ..City of Mandaluyong, ..., FOREIGN COUNTRY (119)
    2. Attendant At Birth: Total, Health Professional, Traditional Birth Attendants, Others, Not Stated (5)

  5. Number of Live Births by Age Group of Mother and Number of Living Children: 2016

    Select part: View table: Size: 2016 Updated: 4/8/2020

    1. Age Group of Mother: All Ages, Under 15, 15 - 19, 20 - 24, ..., Not Stated (11)
    2. Number of Living Children: Total, 1, 2, 3, ..., Not Stated (12)

  6. Number of Live Births by Age Group of Mother (In Years) and Birth Order: 2016

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    1. Age Group of Mother (In Years): Total, Under 15, 15-19, 20-24, ..., Not Stated (11)
    2. Birth Order: Total, First, Second, Third, ..., Not Stated (17)

  7. Number of Live Births by Birth Weight (In Grams) and Birth Order: 2016

    Select part: View table: Size: 1959 Updated: 4/8/2020

    1. Birth Weight (In Grams): Total, 500 - 999, 1000 - 1499, 1500 - 1999, ..., Not Stated (9)
    2. Birth Order: Total, First, Second, Third, ..., Not Stated (12)

  8. Number of Live Births by Usual Residence of Mother, Year, Sex and Month of Occurrence

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    1. Usual Residence of Mother: PHILIPPINES, National Capital Region (NCR), ..City of Manila, ..City of Mandaluyong, ..., FOREIGN COUNTRY (119)
    2. Year: 2015, 2016, (2)
    3. Sex: Both Sexes, Male, Female, (3)
    4. Month of Occurrence: Total, Jan, Feb, Mar, ..., Dec (13)

  9. Number of Live Births by Place of Occurrence, Month of Occurrence and Sex: 2016

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    1. Place of Occurrence: PHILIPPINES, National Capital Region (NCR), ..City of Manila, ..City of Mandaluyong, ..., ..Tawi-Tawi (118)
    2. Month of Occurrence: Total, Jan, Feb, Mar, ..., Dec (13)
    3. Sex: Male, Female, (2)

  10. Live Births Which Occurred Abroad to Filipino Mother by Age Group of Mother and Live Birth Order: 2016

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    1. Age Group of Mother: Total, Under 20, 20-24, 25-29, ..., Not Stated (10)
    2. Live Birth Order: Total, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, ..., 10th & Over (11)

  11. Live Births Which Occurred Abroad to Filipino Father or Mother or Both by Age Group and Parents: 2016

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    1. Age Group: Total, Under 20, 20-24, 25-29, ..., Not Applicable (11)
    2. Parents: Father, Mother, (2)

  12. Live Births Which Occurred Abroad by Nationality of Father and Nationality of Mother: 2016

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    1. Nationality of Father: Total, Filipino, American, Indian, ..., Others (13)
    2. Nationality of Mother: Total, Filipino, American, Chinese, ..., Not Stated (12)