  1. Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Region and Province/Highly Urbanized City: Philippines, 2020

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    1. Geographic Location: PHILIPPINES /a, ..NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION (NCR), ....City of Manila, ....City of Mandaluyong, ..., ....Eight (8) Area Clusters *** (135)
    2. Parameter: Total Population, Household Population, Number of Households, (3)

  2. Projected Population Based on 2020 CPH by Five-Year Age Group and by Sex and Single-Year Interval

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    1. Sex: Both Sexes, Male, Female, (3)
    2. Age Group: All Ages, 0-4, 5-9, 10-14, ..., 85+ (19)
    3. Year: 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, ..., 2030 (11)

  3. Population by Age Group, Sex, Region, and Province/Highly Urbanized City: Philippines , 2020

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    1. Parameter: Total Population, Household Population, (2)
    2. Geographic Location: PHILIPPINES /a, ..NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION (NCR), ....City of Manila, ....City of Mandaluyong, ..., ....Eight (8) Area Clusters *** (135)
    3. Sex: Both Sexes, Male, Female, (3)
    4. Age Group: All Ages, Below 5, 5-9, 10-14, ..., 80 years old and over (18)

  4. Occupied Housing Units, Number of Households, Household Population, by Type of Building and Province/Highly Urbanized City: Philippines, 2020

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    1. Type of Building: All Types of Building, Single house, Duplex, Apartment/accessoria/rowhouse, ..., Not reported (10)
    2. Geographic Location: PHILIPPINES, ..NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION (NCR), ....City of Manila, ....City of Mandaluyong, ..., ....Eight (8) Area Clusters *** (135)
    3. Parameter: Occupied Housing Units, Number of Households /a, Household Population /a, (3)

  5. Occupied Housing Units by Type of Building, Number of Floors, and Province/Highly Urbanized City: Philippines, 2020

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    1. Type of Building: All Types of Building, Single House, Duplex, Apartment/accessoria/row house, ..., Not reported (10)
    2. Geographic Location: PHILIPPINES, ..NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION (NCR), ....City of Manila, ....City of Mandaluyong, ..., ....Eight (8) Area Clusters *** (135)
    3. Number of Floors: Total, One Floor, Two Floors, Three Floors, ..., Not applicable (9)

  6. Occupied Housing Units by Floor Area, Number of Occupants in Each Housing Unit and Province/Highly Urbanized City: Philippines, 2020

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    1. Number of Occupants: Total, One Occupant, Two Occupants, Three Occupants, ..., Ten Occupants or More (11)
    2. Geographic Location: PHILIPPINES, ..NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION (NCR), ....City of Manila, ....City of Mandaluyong, ..., ....Eight (8) Area Clusters *** (135)
    3. Floor Area of the Housing Unit: Total, Less than 5 sq.m/ Less than 54 sq.ft., 5 - 9 sq.m./ 54 - 107 sq.ft., 10 - 19 sq.m./ 108 - 209 sq.ft., ..., Not applicable (14)

  7. Number of Households by Type of Building, Tenure Status of the Housing Unit/Lot, and Province/Highly Urbanized City: Philippines, 2020

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    1. Tenure Status of the Housing Unit/Lot: Total, Own or owner-like possession of the house and lot, Own house rent lot, Own house rent-free lot with consent of owner, ..., Not applicable (10)
    2. Geographic Location: PHILIPPINES /a, ..NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION (NCR), ....City of Manila, ....City of Mandaluyong, ..., ....Eight (8) Area Clusters *** (135)
    3. Type of Building: All Types of Building, Single House, Duplex, Apartment/ accessoria/rowhouse, ..., Not Reported (10)

  8. Total population by geographic location (based on 2000, 2010 and 2015 Censuses)

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    1. Geographic Location: PHILIPPINES, ..National Capital Region (NCR), ....City of Manila, ....City of Mandaluyong, ..., ....Dinagat Islands (136)
    2. Census year: 2000, 2010, 2015, (3)

  9. Total population by age group, sex, region, province, and highly urbanized city: 2010

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    1. Geolocation: PHILIPPINES, ..National Capital Region (NCR), ....City of Manila, ....City of Mandaluyong, ..., ....Dinagat Islands (134)
    2. Year: 2010, (1)
    3. Sex: Male, Female, (2)
    4. Age groups: Below 5, 5-9, 10-14, 15-19, ..., 80 and over (17)