Low-Paid Employees, % of Employed

Table ID: 3K3E3020

Indicator Low-Paid Employees, % of Employed
Definition Hourly basic pay of an employee is a derived indicator.  It was computed as basic pay per day divided by the corresponding normal working hours per day during the reference week.
Basic pay - pay for normal time, prior to deductions of social security contributions, withholding taxes, etc.  It excludes allowances, bonuses, commissions, overtime pay, benefits in kind, etc.
Normal working hours - refer to the usual or prescribed working hours of a person in his/her primary job/business which is considered a full day’s work.  These include the overtime hours if the person regularly works overtime.  On average at the national level, normal working hours is around eight (8) per employee.
A primary job is determined in accordance with the following priority rules: 1) if only one job, then it is the primary job regardless of permanency or hours worked in the job; 2) if more than one job, the primary job is that which is permanent regardless of hours worked; 3) if more than one permanent job, consideration is given to the job where more hours of work are spent; 4) if equal hours are spent in the permanent jobs, the primary job is that which provides more income.
Method of Computation/ Estimation Prodecure Low-paid employees, % of employed - wage and salary workers with hourly basic pay (in primary job) below 2/3 of the median hourly basic pay of total wage and salary workers, as a percentage share of total employed.
Source of Basic Data Labor Force Survey
Source Document/ Agency Philippine Statistics Authority
Frequency of Release Annually
Latest Available 2018
Level of Disaggregation National; Total, men, women; Branch of economic activity; Category of employee
Remarks LFS began collecting data on basic pay in January 2001 survey round.
The inquiry is on basic pay per day in cash or in kind (imputed value) of employees from their primary jobs and not their total earnings, which include allowances, overtime and premium pay. 
Basic pay of employees paid on commission basis are excluded as it is difficult to determine their pay on a per day basis.  The proportions of these workers have been growing over time, from 2% (0.652 million) of total employment and 5% of wage and salary employment in 2001 to about 8% (2.911 million) and 14%, respectively, in 2012.
Contacts Labor Standards and Relations Statistics Division
Philippine Statistics Authority
16/F CyberPod 3 Eton Centris, EDSA Corner Quezon
Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines 1100
Telefax No.: +632-3761921
Last Updated 27/09/2018
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Philippine Statistics Authority
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