Share of Population Aged 60 and Above Benefitting from Retirement/Old Age Pension

Table ID: 3K3E1004

Indicator Share of population aged 60 and above benefiting from retirement/old age pension
Definition Ages: 60+.
Indicator defined as: Total pensioners (formerly employed in the private and public sectors) who receive retirement/old age pensions on a lifetime cash benefit paid every month as a percentage share of total household population 60 years old and over.
Method of Computation Total pensioners (formerly employed in the private and public sectors) who receive retirement/old age pensions on a lifetime cash benefit paid every month as a percentage share of total household population 60 years old and over
Source of Basic Data Administrative Record, Labor Force Survey
Source Document/ Agency Social Security System (SSS, for private sector)/ Government Service Insurance System (GSIS, for public sector), Philippine Statistics Authority
Frequency of Release Annually
Latest Available 2018
Level of Disaggregation National
Remarks 1. SSS: 60 years old, separated from employment or ceases to be employed and has paid at least 120 monthly contributions prior to the semester of retirement; 65 years old whether employed or not and has paid at least 120 monthly contributions prior to the semester of retirement;
2. GSIS: 60 years old (optional retirement) or 65 years old (mandatory retirement) and have rendered at least 15 years of service.
SSS and GSIS can not provide data for those aged 60+ who are receiving disability and survivorship benefits.
Some pensioners may no longer be Philippine residents and as such not counted in the population denominator.
Contacts Labor Standards and Relations Statistics Division
Philippine Statistics Authority
16/F Cyberpod 3 Eton Centris, EDSA Corner Quezon#Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines 1101
Telefax No.: +632-3761921
Last Updated 11/10/2018
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