Financing from Abroad by Finance and Period

Table ID: 3E3D7050

Indicator Balance of Payments, Aid Disbursed (ODA), Aid Allocated (Net Commitment)
Definition A statistical statement that summarizes transactions between residents and nonresidents during a period. It consists of the current account, the capital account, and the financial account. (Selected Philippine Economic Indicators, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas)
Official Development Assistance (ODA), as defined in Republic Act 8182 – ODA Act of 1996, is a loan or a grant administered with the objective of promoting sustainable social and economic development and welfare of the Philippines. ODA resources must be contracted with governments of foreign countries with whom the Philippines has diplomatic, trade relations or bilateral agreements or which are members of the United Nations, their agencies and international or multilateral lending institutions.
Method of Computation Valuation: Generally, transactions are valued at market prices. However, there are cases in which market prices are difficult to approximate. This occurs when flows data are estimated as the change in the positions between two accounting periods and this is particularly observed in estimating banks' financial transactions. Unit of account: The BOP is compiled in US dollars. Transactions in currencies other than the US dollar are converted to their US dollar equivalent using the closing exchange rate on the transaction date.
Source of Basic Data •Goods: Data on goods are based on customs data, which the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) processes and consolidates. The PSA compiles the foreign trade statistics (FTS) using the general trade system, in which the national boundary serves as the statistical frontier. In the balance of payments, both imports and exports are valued f.o.b. at the customs frontier. •Services and primary income: The main source is International Transactions Reporting System (ITRS), except for the following: (a) passenger transportation are based on Civil Aeronautics Board’s (CAB) reports on local airlines operating abroad and foreign airlines operating in the Philippines; (b) freight transportation services are sourced from the FTS, (c) travel receipts are based on the Visitors Sample Survey (VSS) while travel imports are partly based on reports of Credit Card Association of the Philippines (CCAP) on usage of locally issued cards abroad, (d) interest payments of the nonbank sectors are based on information from the external debt statistics,(e) interest income and payments of the BSP are based on its accounting records, and (f) reinvested earnings are based on financial statements of foreign-owned companies and the foreign direct investment (FDI) survey for non-banks and on banking statistics for banks’ unremitted profits and reinvested earnings. Other sources that complement the ITRS are the Cross-border Transactions Survey (CBTS) and other administrative data. •Secondary income and capital account: Data support is provided by ITRS, supplemented by information from government and international organizations’ administrative records on grants and donations and other international commitments. •Financial account: The primary data sources are the ITRS for investment, and the external debt statistics for nonbank borrowings. Balance sheets submitted by banks to the BSP under the Financial Reporting Package (FRP) are the basis for the generation of banking data. These data sources are complemented by the CBTS and other administrative data, as well as foreign transactions in the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE). •Reserve assets and liabilities of the BSP are based on BSP Treasury Department’s (TD) accounting records.
National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA)
Source Document/Agency Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA)
Frequency of Release Annual
Latest Available 2017,2016
Level of Disaggregation National By Sector and Sub-sector
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Last Updated [insert date]
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