Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and GDP Growth Per Employed Persons by GDP and Period

Table ID: 3E3D7010

Indicator "GDP (in million pesos)
- At current prices
- At constant 2000 prices"
GDP per capita
GDP growth per employed persons
Definition "Refers to the value of all goods and services produced domestically; the sum of gross value added of all resident institutional units engaged in production (plus any taxes, and minus any subsidies, on products not included in the values of their outputs).
(Glossary of Terms, Economic Accounts)"
Refers to GDP per person
Gross Domestic Product at constant 2000 prices divided by total employed.
Method of Computation "The quarterly Philippine System of National Accounts compiles the GDP using two approaches, the production approach or by industrial origin, and the expenditure approach or by expenditure item. The production and expenditure accounts are expressed at current and constant prices. The growth rate of GDP is determined from the production side of the accounts as data support on production is stronger and more reliable.

GDP by expenditure is the sum of the final uses of goods and services in the economy, valued at purchaser’s prices.

GDP by industrial origin (production) is the aggregate of the Gross Value Added (GVA) of all resident producing units in the domestic economy valued at producers’ prices. The production side of the accounts consists of three major industries: (1) Agriculture, Hunting, Forestry and Fishing (AHFF); (2) Industry; and (3) Services. Gross Value Added (GVA) by Industrial Origin or by Economic Activity, is estimated for each of the production sectors of the economy."
"GDP is divided by the population count.

The quarterly population estimates were computed using the official national 2010 Census-based population projections, applying the Waring-Lagrange polynomial interpolation."
Percentage change in the real GDP per employed between two consecutive years.
Source of Basic Data The production side of the accounts uses three major approaches in the estimation of the GVA, namely: a) direct approach – GVA is derived by deducting the cost of goods and services used up in the process of production (intermediate consumption) from the total value of goods and services (gross output) during the period. This approach is generally used to generate the annual benchmark estimates of the production sectors using data from the latest Censuses and Annual Surveys; b) Indirect approach or the use of ICR (intermediate consumption ratio) – when the required data is not sufficient to estimate the GVA using the direct approach, as in the case of the quarterly national accounts, the use of ICR is utilized. The GVA for AHFF; Mining and Quarrying; and Construction are derived using ICR appropriate to the sector. Since the quarterly data differs from the annual benchmark data due to limitations in detail and coverage, the quarterly data for AHFF, Mining and Construction are adjusted for under coverage by applying an under coverage ratio (UCR) relevant to the sector. The respective ICRs and UCRs are computed from the latest Census of Philippine Business and Industry (CPBI), Census of Agriculture and Fishery (CAF) or the Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry (ASPBI); and administrative reports from source agencies; and c) Volume/Value Extrapolation. Production Accounts Division (PAD) uses the trend of the quarterly cash disbursement of personal services (PS) of the national government workers from the Department of Budget and Management (DBM). Estimates on PAD are benchmarked annually based on the COA annual financial reports for the national and local governments, government corporations and social security schemes with lag time of one year from the reference year. Manufacturing, Electricity, Gas and Water Supply, TCS, Trade, Financial Intermediation, RERBA and OS sectors rely on the trend of revenues from the Monthly Integrated Survey of Selected Industries (MISSI) for Manufacturing and the QSPBI of the PSA supplemented by other indicators to extrapolate the GVA. However, for Ownership of Dwellings (OD) in the RERBA sector, the GVA is based on the trend of building permits and the beginning and ending stock of residential structures.
National Accounts of the Philippines and Labor Force Survey
Source Document/Agency National Accounts of the Philippines, Philippine Statistics Authority
Frequency of Release Annual
Latest Available 2017
Level of Disaggregation National
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