Current Use of Contraception by Age of Currently Married Women, Year and Type of Contraceptive Method

Table ID: 3E3D56A0

Indicator Contraceptive use among currently married women 15 to 49 years old, any method, percentage
Contraceptive use among currently married women 15 to 49 years old, modern methods, percentage
Contraceptive use among currently married women 15 to 49 years old, traditional method, percentage
Definition Proportion of all currently married women age 15-49 who say they use any specific method, including ever-users of female sterilization
Proportion of all currently married women age 15-49 who say they use any of the following methods: female sterilization (tubal ligation, laparectomy, voluntary surgical contraception for women), male sterilization (vasectomy, voluntary surgical contraception for men), the contraceptive pill (oral contraceptives), interuterine contraceptive device (IUD), injectables (Depo-Provera), male condom (prophylactic, rubber), diaphragm, contraceptive foam and contraceptive jelly, lactational amenorrhea method (LAM), country-specific modern methods and respondent mentioned other modern contraceptive methods (including cervical cap, contraceptive sponge, and others), does NOT include abortions and menstrual regulation
Proportion of all currently married women age 15-49 who say they use any of the following methods: periodic abstinence (rhythm, calendar method), withdrawal (coitus interruptus) and country-specific traditional methods of proven effectiveness
Method of Computation Number of all currently married women aged 15-49 who use any specific method divided by the number of all currently married women aged 15-49
Number of all currently married women aged 15-49 who use any modern method divided by the number of all currently married women aged 15-49
Number of all currently married women aged 15-49 who use any traditional method divided by the number of all currently married women aged 15-49
Source of Basic Data National Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS)
Source Document/Agency Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)
Frequency of Release Every 5 years
Latest Available 2013
Level of Disaggregation by Age
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Last Updated [insert date]


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