Ratio of Girls to Boys by Level of Education and Year

Table ID: 3E3D4160

Indicator Ratio of girls to boys, by level of education
Definition The ratio of the number of girls enrolled in a certain level of education to the number of boys enrolled in a certain level of education, regardless of ages, by level of education.
Method of Computation TRatio of girls to boys = (Number of girls enrolled in a certain level) / (Number of boys enrolled in in a certain level)
Source of Basic Data Enhanced Basic Education Information System (EBEIS)
Source Document/Agency Department of Education
Frequency of Release Annual
Latest Available 2016
Level of Disaggregation National
by Level of Education
Contacts Poverty and Human Statistics Division
Philippine Statistics Authority
16th Floor, North Tower, Cyberpod 3, ETON Centris, EDSA corner, Diliman, Quezon City
+63(2) 376-1991
Last Updated 25/06/2018
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