Proportion of Pupil Starting Grade 1 Who Reach Last Grade of Primary Education by Region, Sex and Year

Table ID: 3E3D4040

Indicator Proportion of pupils starting grade 1 who reach last grade of primary education
Definition This is also refered to as the Primary Cohort Survical Rate. The percentage of enrolees at the beginning grade or year in a given school year who reached the final grade or year of the elementary education
Method of Computation The cohort survival rate is computed using the reconstructed cohort method:
1. Compute the promotion and repetition rates for a particular area.
2. Compute the number of promotees up to grade 6 using the promotion rates for the respective grade/year levels.
3. Compute the number of pupils in a grade who repeat once, twice, up to 6 times.
4. Add the repeaters in the previous grade level who were promoted with the pupils in the current grade who repeated.
5. Calculate the total for each grade level to obtain the pupil-years.
6. Multiply the pupil-years with the respective promotion rate to get the total promotees (including repeaters).
7. Calculate the reconstructed cohort survival rate for each grade level by dividing the total promotees GR X-1 (including repeaters) with the original cohort of 100.
GR X - Grade x
Source of Basic Data Enhanced Basic Education Information System (EBEIS)
Source Document/Agency Department of Education
Frequency of Release Annual
Latest Available 2015
Level of Disaggregation National
by Sex
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