Mean Number of Children ever Born and Mean Number of Living Children, by Age Group and Year

Table ID: 3E3D13B0

Indicator Mean number of children ever born
Mean number of living children
Definition Arithmetic average of children, both surviving and dead, to whom women in the sample have ever given birth.
Arithmetic average of surviving children, to whom women in the sample have ever given birth.
Method of Computation "Numerator: Mean number of children ever born: Sum of number of children surviving and dead at the time of the survey who were given birth by women in the sample.

Denominator: Number of women in sample."
"Numerator: Mean number of living children: Sum of number of children alive at the time of the survey who were given birth by women in the sample.

Denominator: Number of women in sample." .
Source of Basic Data National Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS)
Source Document/Agency Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)
Frequency of Release Every 5 years
Latest Available 2013
Level of Disaggregation by Age
by Marital status"
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