Summary Statistics for Information and Communication Establishments by Industry Description, Data Items, Size and Year

Table ID: 2D4BASJ0

Indicator Number of Establishments
Definition Establishment is as an economic unit under a single ownership or control, i.e., under a single entity, engaged in one or predominantly one kind of economic activity at a single fixed location. Number of Establishments refers to the total number of establishments engaged in transportation and storage activity during the reference year.
Method of Computation Refer to 2015 ASPBI Estimation Procesure.pdf
Indicator/variable Employment
Definition Number of persons who worked in or for the establishment as of 15 November 2015.
Method of Computation Refer to 2015 ASPBI Estimation Procesure.pdf
Indicator/variable Paid Employment
Definition All persons working in the establishment whether full-time or part-time and receiving pay, as well as those working away from the establishment paid by and under the control of the establishment as of 15 November. Included are all employees on sick leave, paid vacation or holiday. Excluded are consultants, home workers, receiving pure commissions only, and workers on indefinite leave.
Method of Computation Refer to 2015 ASPBI Estimation Procesure.pdf
Indicator/variable Income
Definition Cash received and receivables for goods/products and by-products sold and services rendered. Valuation is at producer prices (ex-establishment) net of discounts and allowances, including duties and taxes but excluding subsidies.
Method of Computation Refer to 2015 ASPBI Estimation Procesure.pdf
Indicator/variable Expense
Definition Cost incurred by the establishment during the year whether paid or payable. This is treated on a consumed basis. Valuation is at purchaser price including taxes and other charges, net of rebates, returns and allowances. Goods and services received by the establishment from other establishments of the same enterprise are valued as though purchased.
Method of Computation Refer to 2015 ASPBI Estimation Procesure.pdf
Indicator/variable Compensation
Definition Sum of salaries and wages, separation/retirement/terminal pay, gratuities, and payments made by the employer in behalf of the employees such as contribution to Social Security System (SSS) /Government Security and Insurance System (GSIS), Employees' Compensation Commission, PhilHealth, Pag-ibig, etc.
Method of Computation Refer to 2015 ASPBI Estimation Procesure.pdf
Indicator/variable Other Expense
Definition All other expenses incurred by the establishment except compensation
Refer to 2015 ASPBI Estimation Procesure.pdf
Method of Computation Total expense less compensation
Indicator/variable Value Added
Definition Measures the value created by production
Method of Computation Gross output less intermediate input.

Gross output for Information and Communication sector is thesum of the total income (less interest income, rent income from land, dividend income, royalty income and franchise income), capital expenditures of fixed assets produced on own account and change in inventories.
Intermediate input is equal to the sum of materials and supplies purchased; fuels, lubricants, oils and greases purchased; electricity purchased, water purchased; industrial services done by others; non-industrial services done by others less rent expense from land; goods purchased for resale; research and development expense; environmental protection expense; royalty fee; franchise fee; and other expense.
Refer to 2015 ASPBI Estimation Procesure.pdf
Indicator/variable Gross Additions to Fixed Assets
Definition Value of tangible fixed assets acquired during the year less sales of tangible fixed assets
Method of Computation Capital expenditures less sale of fixed assets, including land.
Refer to 2015 ASPBI Estimation Procesure.pdf
Indicator/variable Change in Inventories
Definition Equivalent to the value of inventories at the end of the year less the value of inventories at the beginning of the year.
Method of Computation  
Indicator/variable Subsidies
Definition Special grants in the form of financial assistance or tax exemption or tax privilege given by the government to aid and develop an industry.
Method of Computation Refer to 2015 ASPBI Estimation Procesure.pdf
Indicator/variable Sale from E-commerce
Definition Selling of products or services over electronic systems such as Internet Protocol-based networks and other computer networks. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) network, or other on-line system. Excluded are orders received from telephone, facsimile and e-mails.
Method of Computation Refer to 2015 ASPBI Estimation Procesure.pdf
Source of Basic Data Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry (ASPBI)
Source Document/Agency Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)
Frequency of Release Annually
Latest Available 2015
Level of Disaggregation National
Remarks Only the formal sector of the economy was covered in the survey.
General Information
Specific Metadata
Contact Information

For data inquiries, contact:

Knowledge Management and Communications Division
Philippine Statistics Authority
9/F PSA Headquarters PSA Complex, East Avenue, Diliman,
Quezon City