Occupied Housing Units, Number of Households, Household Population by Type of Building and Province/Highly Urbanized City: Philippines , 2020

Table ID: 1A6DTOB0

Indicator Occupied Housing Units by Type of Building, Number of Households and Household Population
Occupied Housing Units by Type of Building, Number of Households and Household Population based on the results of the 2020 Census of Population and Housing
Refer to this link below for the detailed definition
Method of Computation / Estimation Procedure
Source of Basic Data 2020 Census of Population and Housing
Source Document/ Agency Philippine Statistics Authority
Frequency of Release Every Five Years
Latest Available 2020
Level of Disaggregation Province and Highly Urbanized City
Remarks N/A
General Information
Specific Metadata
Contact Information

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Knowledge Management and Communications Division
Philippine Statistics Authority
5/F CVEA Bldg., East Avenue,
Quezon City
Tel. No.: (632) 8462-6600 loc. 839